Engage the handbrake and place the selector lever in position "N"
Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
Working in the engine compartment, remove the lock nut of the reverse light switch/starter inhibit circuit stud and remove the transmission fluid level tube.
Remove the clip and gasket, disconnect the selector cable from the lever.
Disconnect the wire from the switch.
Using shaft clamp pliers, unscrew the nut that secures the drive lever to the selector lever shaft, then remove the lock plate and unscrew the large nut (with puck) mounting the switch to the shaft.
Loosen the nut securing the switch to the transmission and remove the switch.
Make sure the selector lever shaft is in position "N" (third stop along the way). Install the switch on the shaft and rotate it so that the flat surfaces of the shaft (see fig. 7.21, paragraph 1) lined up with the groove in the switch housing, then install the nut that secures the switch to the transmission and tighten to the correct torque.
Install the gasket, then install and torque-tighten the large switch nut, then install the stop plate.
Install the drive lever nut to the selector lever shaft while holding the shaft with pliers.
Install the liquid level tube with a new O-ring, then tighten the nut.
Connect the cable and negative battery terminal.
Connect the selector cable to the drive lever and adjust the cable.
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