Attention! Observe fire safety regulations when decompressing the fuel system.
1. The fuel system is under pressure both when the engine is running and when the ignition is switched on. After turning off the ignition, the pressure in the system may remain for some time and, if it is necessary to remove any unit, the residual pressure should be relieved.
Single shaft engines
2. Turn off the ignition. Remove the cover of the mounting block located next to the left suspension cap and remove the fuel pump relay (magenta relay).
3. Start the engine, when the engine starts to run rough, stop.
4. Disconnect the battery from the ground.
Twin shaft engines
5. On these engines, decompression is done either by removing the fuel pump relay and running out of the remaining gasoline (see above), or through the drain valve, which is mounted on the fuel distributor (see photo).
6. The drain valve is mounted either on the right side of the fuel distributor (1.4 and 1.6 l), or at the top (1.8 and 2.0 l). Remove the cap from the valve, substitute the vessel, cover the valve with a swab of rags and press the valve stem with a screwdriver. After fuel flows out, close the valve with a cap.
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