All-weather oil
For OPEL KADETT D, you can use seasonal cooker, current and all-weather oil. All-weather oils have an advantage, because they are suitable for both winter and summer. All-weather oil is made on the basis of low-viscosity seasonal oil (e.g. 15W) Thanks to the current called thickener, the oil is stabilized when hot, so that under any operating conditions it gives the required lubricating properties (e.g. 10W-40, 15W-50). Letter "W" indicates that the oil can be used in winter.
All-weather oil with enhanced anti-friction properties (light water)
It is an all-weather oil with additives to reduce the coefficient of friction, which increases fuel economy by 2%. These oils have a low viscosity (e.g. 10W-30). They require an unconventional foundation (synthetic oil). Gliding oils must meet the API specification.
Application/Viscosity grades
A - special oils, B - all-weather oils, C - walking oils.
Because The fields of application of oils intersect, short-term temperature drops are acceptable. It is also acceptable to mix oils of different viscosities when topping up, or when the air temperature does not match the viscosity of the filled oil. At long-term temperatures below -20°C (arctic region) SAE 5W20 oil is recommended.
Additives of any kind do not need to be added to either the fuel or the oil.
Engine oil specification
The quality of the oil is classified using the API system (API = Amehcon Petroleum Instilut). European manufacturers are also guided by this system. The name oil must contain two letters. The first letter defines the field of use S=Service, suitable for petrol engines, C=Commercial. suitable for diesel engines
The second letter defines the quality in alphabetical order.
The following API specification oils are of the best quality: SG for gasoline engines, CD for diesel engines.
Attention: CD oil, which manufacturers recommend exclusively as oil for diesel engines There are oils that are suitable for both gasoline engines, current and diesel engines. In this case, the symbols are indicated on the container (e.g. SF/CD).
For OPEL KADETT, SG API specification oils are recommended, SF oils are acceptable.
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