The third group of materials are the so-called semiconductors. Are these crystals (most often germanium or silicon), which have been processed in such a way that there are no electrons in the structure of their atom or there are excess electrons. This achieves the desired effect, in which the plates of crystals can only pass current under certain conditions. If these conditions are not met, a blocking layer is formed that delays the current. Semiconductor elements are found, of course, not only one at a time in the electrical equipment of a car. Most often they are connected in large numbers in circuits, as, for example, in the central locking control unit.
The pictures show. how the corresponding measuring device is connected to measure the electrical magnitude of the voltage (left), current (in the middle) and resistance (on right). A circle with an arrow in each case depicts a measuring device.
Transistor: it only passes current when there is voltage on its third terminal. If this voltage is high, then a lot of current flows through it; at low voltage - respectively, less. It can be compared to a faucet. The more the faucet opens, the stronger the flow of water.
Diode: It only conducts current in one direction. If the current goes in the opposite direction, then it blocks the path. It's like a tire valve: air can be pumped in, but it won't come out.
Other structural elements
In almost all electronic circuits there are elements that do not belong to the group of semiconductors, but without which all electronics would not be conceivable. Their most common representatives are:
Resistance: its task is to prevent the passage of current in the way that has already been described.
Capacitor: It works like a small battery and can store electricity for a certain amount of time. It is used to balance voltage fluctuations and dampen voltage peaks. If a time delay is desired in the circuit (e.g. in the relay-breaker of the direction indicator), then to «slow link» a capacitor with resistance is connected.
Electronic circuits
Integrated circuit (IP) A: A small IC package fits a lot of electronic components. «bugs», most often black, with 14 or more contacts, are available with a wide variety of functions.
Microprocessors: they play an ever-increasing role in technology. They are improved ICs, but much more «smart». Depending on the type of incoming electrical signal, they can trigger pre-programmed switching processes.
EPROM: this is a chip for storing the injection program as well as programmed data (characteristics). This is just one example of what an EPROM can be used for.
Multi-timer: a removable multi-timer is integrated in the fuse box - electronic «handyman», which can control various timing and switching functions at the same time. A small electronic component, among other things, turns off the heated rear window and exterior mirrors after at least 15 minutes of operation; - as well as the lights and fog lights after the ignition is turned off.
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